Frozen Pizza

I would never win an award for not loving pizza.
– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

In this instance I did indeed smell.what the rock was cooking. (Late 90’s wrestling references… Oh Yeah…). But seriously pizza is an american staple, a go to for the tired, the hungry, the stoned, the sober.

The Ingredients:

  • 2 dough balls from your 5 minute bread dough
  • 1 cup of your preferred pizza sauce
  • 2.5 cups Shredded cheese
  • Pepperoni

The Method:

Press/roll/slap out your dough into a round-ish shape and place on a baking sheet.

Top dough with 1/2 cup of sauce and evenly spread leaving about a half an inch space around the edge, for the crust. Bake at 450° for approx 10-15 minutes.

Remove from oven and cool on rack.

Once cooled to room temperature top the par-baked pizza with cheese and pepperoni.

Wrap pizza in cling film and freeze until the pizza craving takes you over. The recklessly indulge.

Final Thoughts:

These DIY frozen pizzas cost about $2.50 to make and are freaking delicious.